Monthly Archives: April 2019

The River Mill seems so long ago

Right back at the beginning of February our wonderful visit to the River Mill seems to have been the start of a very busy phase in

My writing life

First the launch on March 2nd at the Gregson Community centre in Lancaster, attended by about thirty people from many different parts of my life as a writer. I was well supported by Yvonne Boyle, my friend from the north of Ireland who had come over especially to MC and to read, despite rival claims on her time from the Alliance Party conference, on the same weekend.  My other guest reader was Jennifer Copley, my friend from Brewery Poets, who read from her prize winning pamphlet Being Haunted (Cinnamon Press 2018). It was a fabulous evening, wine and food, being introduced my Mike Barlow of Wayleave Press and reading with two fine women poets. Who could ask for more? At the end I, and my pamphlet, really felt launched.

For details of how to buy a copy of my pamphlet Testimony  go to the publications page. They are £5 + £1.50 postage and packing.

Then came the writers’ course at Ty Newydd with Gillian Clarke and Maura Dooley. This was a week of wild Welsh weather and wonderful poetry. I went with the intention of starting to plan beyond my three pamphlets and towards a collection. I wanted to find out if the tutors thought this a viable possibility. I came home with a lot of good advice and the beginnings of a  plan.  I enjoyed the immersed quality of the week, just lots of writing and thinking and talking about writing to other writers and with Gillian and Maura.

I drove home in the worst possible weather but it was worth it for the view of Caernarvon Castle battered by huge waves on the way. I am still drawing on the riches of the whole experience, not least the privilege of working with Gillian and Maura.

Next came a startling review of my pamphlet in the online poetry magazine Sphinx, by Rebecca Bilkau.

Then only last Friday 29th March the official and very enjoyable launch of Jenny Copley’s pamphlet, ‘Being Haunted’ at Natterjack’s café in Ulverston, where I had a chance to read a poem and celebrate her lovely poems with Jenny and her friends.

What a life!

My Reading Life

I have started a new routine to get myself reading poetry. I try as far as I can to spend half an hour each day reading poetry. So far I have got through two and a half poetry books in just over 2 weeks, and I am not rushing them. I am finding that already the huge pile of poetry books and pamphlets, ‘to be read’ is diminishing, and some wonderful ideas and phrases are sticking in the mind.  I will keep referring to this and see where I go with it.

Hare in the Headlights

Next up in terms of events is the reading for Brewery Poets at the Brewery Arts centre on 31st May 2019. I shall be reading with Jenny Copley again and Carola Luther as our guest. for more information visit the website.

On Saturday 29th June I am teaching a short story workshop in Ambleside for Learning Plus, 10.00 to 3.30, at a cost of £10. For more details and to book a place contact me.

I also have plans to submit poems to magazines over the next few months as part of the preparation for my collection.

See you again soon.